Alumicor Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update May 2020

As the events surrounding the coronavirus (COVID-19) continue to develop, Alumicor’s top priority is safeguarding the health and safety of our employees, while we continue to serve our customers and ensure the long-term health of our business.  Alumicor and our parent company, Apogee Enterprises, have implemented a number of policies across our business to best support our people and customers during this challenging time.

Our business locations are currently covered by province and local “stay at home” orders. We have carefully evaluated each order to ensure we are in full compliance.  In most provinces, construction and related manufacturing activities have been deemed essential and all of Alumicor’s facilities continue to operate, ship products, and serve our customers.  We have made the decision to maintain our operations during this unprecedented situation as Alumicor’s products and services play an important role in critical building projects, such as hospitals, health care facilities, government buildings, housing, and other essential infrastructure.

To read the complete detailed Alumicor COVID-19 Update, please download Alumicor COVID-19 Statement May 20_2020.


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